Our small tribute to the moms who inspire us

Nuestro pequeño homenaje a las mamás que nos inspiran

Meeting Chloé Sucrée and Carmen from Slow Mov

Our small tribute to the moms who inspire us

Each mother is a great inspiration to us and, therefore, we want to give them the space they deserve. And although Mother's Day is every day, because without mothers the world would stop, today on our blog we want to introduce you to two very special moms who represent the essence of Compañía Fantástica Mini : fresh, different and very happy!

Chloé and Carmen tell us what their daily lives are like as mothers and entrepreneurs; their doubts, fears and joys in the adventure of motherhood... while they wear some models from our Spring Summer collection with their children. You can find these looks in our Mom&Kids collection.

Chloe Sucree

Chloé Sucree, from @beingbiotiful, is a chef and mom to Elliot (9) and Lou (6) . From her beautiful kitchen in Barcelona she cooks delicious healthy recipes for her followers, publishes books and prepares vegan cakes for her children. She says that being a mother has made her a much more fulfilled, conscious and present person and that her daily life is hectic.

She, her family and her house are pure magic and we had the pleasure of meeting her in person and spending a little time with her. This is what he told us… don't miss the interview!

-How has motherhood changed your life?

Life gives you a 360º turn. I always wanted to be a mother, and a young mother, and although life changes completely, managing your time, emotions, responsibilities, etc... for me it is the best thing that has happened to me. It has changed me completely but for the better, because it makes you a much fuller, more conscious and present person.

-What is your day to day like as a working mother?

Frantic ;) I have my children almost always and I am an entrepreneur, planning well is key to being able to achieve everything, or rather what I consider during the day. I organize myself well so I can be efficient at work and then have quality time with them, which is what is most difficult for me lately. A lot of work, little time, and I want to be able to be with them well, without screens, calls, emails to answer, etc. Let me feel that I am fully here. It is not always easy to combine everything, and the feeling of guilt we have at the end of the day. But I am one of those who think and try to apply: we do what we best can.

-Entrepreneurship and being a mother, is it possible?

It is possible, but it is hard, very hard. A lot of work, little conciliation, honestly. But you are, in quotes, the owner of your time and this freedom helps me a lot to be able to reconcile better. But it's also true that you rest little, or that's my feeling.

-What values ​​would you like to transmit to your children?

Be empathetic, assertive and emotionally independent people. Aware of their surroundings, their emotions and what they want in this life. To be people without fear of living, to dare and with the desire to do things.

-What do you think should change in society to facilitate conciliation?

Help in general, and single mothers, and entrepreneurial mothers, change of schedule in general, many things... they sell us the dream of entrepreneurship and they sell us the idea that we have to achieve everything, and it is all an illusion. More real help. And empathy.

-How would you define your style when dressing your little ones?

Comfortable, colorful and original, especially in Lou. Elliot is more basic, but I like how, according to his personality, it is reflected in his way of dressing.

-What inspires you about the Compañía Fantástica Mini collection?

I like how colorful it is and that the children can continue being themselves, all with a very personal style.

-What is the best and most difficult thing about being a mother?

The best thing is to shake their hand when we walk, the spontaneous hugs, the good night kisses, the smell they give off when they wake up, their clean look at the world, their contagious laughter, their overflowing kindness... so they don't lose this energy and look at the world. .

-If you could talk to your self from before you were a mother, what would you say?

Don't demand so much of yourself. You are doing it very well.

-In the future, I would like my children...

Live without fear.

Thank you very much Chloé for sharing your experience with us!


Carmen, owner of Slow Mov and mother of Tomás (4) and Marcel (1) is the creator of a Specialty Coffee located between Gràcia and Sant Gervasi, also in Barcelona.

We fell in love with her smile, joy and the peace that she transmits from the beautiful place where she combines raising her children with her entrepreneurial project, which has been in the works for ten years.

She defines her project as more than a direct trade products store: it is an attitude towards a slower way of life . And… we love it!

Between coffees and the running around of her little ones, Carmen told us that motherhood has given her security and self-confidence and that her work reinforces her personal fulfillment.

-How has motherhood changed your life?

Wow! Much and nothing. For me it is like an evolution in my life path. Since I was little I knew that I wanted to be a mother, so I have imagined it in many ways. But what it has given me is a lot of security and confidence in myself.

-What is your day to day like as a working mother?

The morning starts with energy, the windows open, the noise of the street comes in and we wake up to have breakfast together (we try ;)) little by little we are picking up the pace and off to school and work. I love being with my work team and having a little time to work. The day is intense, I don't waste a minute, the work day ends when Tomas gets out of school and they bring baby Marcel to me. That's where the afternoon begins: snack, park, games... and I disconnect from my cell phone.

-Entrepreneurship and being a mother, is it possible?

At first it was difficult to combine my own business with being a mother. It is almost impossible to be able to work physically, you can only coordinate teams. Being a mother taught us to delegate and say no.

-What values ​​would you like to transmit to your children?

Trust and respect.

-What do you think should change in society to facilitate conciliation?

Allow yourself to be with your child until he or she is one year old, thanks to a longer maternity leave.

-How would you define your style when dressing your little ones?

Comfortable and fun

-What inspires you about the Compañía Fantástica Mini collection?


-What is the best and most difficult thing about being a mother?

You can't do everything.

-If you could talk to your self from before you were a mother, what would you say?

Wake up!

-In the future, I would like my children...

They were happy...

Thank you Carmen and Chloé for inspiring us, and congratulations to all the moms for making the world a little better every day!

Discover the rest of the Mom&Kids collection and surprise for Mother's Day!

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