With the arrival of the new month, we tell you what September will be like for you and what the monthly horoscope has in store for you on all the topics that interest you most, regardless of your sign.

Love: You have a good chance of starting a very rewarding relationship.Work: You will feel like a fish in water throughout the month, with a clear mind and lots of creativity.
Family and friends: Someone close to you is going through some difficulties, but don't expect them to tell you because they don't want to bother you.
Tip: Try to exercise daily. You'll see how well it works for you.

Love:If you're just getting to know someone, you might be a little disappointed. Better now than finding out later.
Work: You will soon receive recognition for your work, praise or congratulations.
Family and friends: Personal circumstances will force you to lend a hand to someone in your home, your family, your circle of friends or someone you see every day.
Tip: Take time out of any way to pamper yourself a little.

Love: If you receive comments or gossip about your partner, ignore them completely.
Work: You may be offered a job of some importance, Gemini. Work hard to get it, but don't rush into it.
Family and friends: Take better care of your family, don't leave them aside for trivial matters that sometimes don't even interest you.
Advice: Maintain the serenity you have achieved during these weeks of rest.

Love: If you feel distant from your partner, it may be because you don't talk much about the really important issues. Improve your communication and everything will change.
Work: You could choose to close a good deal or accept a job that could bring you great benefits in the not too distant future.
Family and friends: It is a good idea to talk about your things and find the support and understanding that only your people give you.
Tip: It's a good time to show your sensitivity.

Love: You may get excited about a person who seems to meet all the requirements to make you happy.
Work: Leo, consider regaining your ambitions. Don't think that you'll never have that job you want so much.
Family and friends: You have spent too much time without leaving your circle of friends. It is time for you to broaden your horizons.
Advice: Look out for yourself and your interests first and foremost. Then, if you can, help others.

Love: Love for you is now in a good phase, live it fully every day and enjoy it.
Work: Get that project you're so excited about underway now, Virgo. You can do it alongside your daily work.
Family and friends: Use your intuitive power more. It helps you to prevent danger and detect opportunities.
Tip: Use your intuitive power more. It helps you prevent danger and detect opportunities.

Love:Problems with your partner, Libra, will not be solved by distancing yourself but by improving your communication.
Work: Don't consider mistakes or things you haven't been able to do yet a failure. Life has its own time and each person reaches their goal at the time destined for them.
Family and friends: Stop focusing so much on yourself and think about others too.
Tip: Don't try to speed up the natural process of things or it will get out of hand.

Love:Dare to tell your partner your fantasies. You have nothing to lose.
Work: Good times are beginning for your finances because you will have a keen eye on the business and professional opportunities that life will put in your path every day.Family and friends: If you need advice, seek it from people you trust.
Tip : A weekend getaway will do you good. You need to build up your energy for the new season.

Love :Your relationship could improve significantly if you listen carefully to what your partner has to say.
Work : Have more faith in your talent every day, Sagittarius, because you waste opportunities due to a lack of self-confidence.
Family and friends : Avoid certain family topics because in this environment you may be asked to do things that you are too lazy to do.
Tip : This is a good time to make plans. Doing so will give you a good dose of energy.

Love:A problem with your partner may arise due to a silly thing that will be out of place. You will have to be very careful.
Work : Work hard but with enthusiasm because you may soon be offered a promotion.
Family and friends : An improvised plan can motivate many of the people you interact with on a daily basis.
Tip : Avoid arguments that can lead you to say things you don't mean.

Love:On the sentimental level, you may have someone who insists on seeing you alone every day. If you are dating someone else, it is no longer a good idea to accept this proposal.
Work : Start preparing your strategy to advance in your professional life.
Family and friends : If someone asks you for a helping hand, prioritize your own things. Avoid that tendency you have lately of saying yes to everything every day, Aquarius.
Advice : Don't give importance to things that don't have any. Let everything flow around you.

Love : If you are free, your loneliness is coming to an end. Someone very special is coming into your life.
Work: Be more positive at work. Try to regain the pleasure of tasks that you used to find interesting.
Family and Friends: You will appreciate the many benefits of having the support of your family on a daily basis.
Tip : Remember that karma exists, also for good actions.