Mother's Day is every day, because without mothers the world would stop. Today we want to introduce you to Elena, mother of Valentina (6), Elena (4) and Manuela (2) and creator of the handmade ceramics brand and workshop Bonjour . It is a creative space where magic is breathed in each of its corners.
Elena tells us what her daily life is like while wearing models from our Spring Summer 2024 collection with little Valentina and Elena.
How has motherhood changed your life?
In a radical way. We are responsible for three girls and that makes you see everything differently. Your priorities, your times, your goals, your fears... but also your moments of happiness.
What is your day to day like as a working mother?
Having my own business every day is different, the hours may vary certain days. I usually work until I go to pick them up at school. Extracurricular activities or home, they tell me about their day on the road... What they did at school, what they played with their friends, their things. It's a great little moment. In the afternoons I usually spend time with them, although there are days when things come up and I'm gone. Some nights I have to do something with the computer when they go to bed, but I try to keep it to a minimum and rest a little and be with my husband. As in all houses with children, when they go to bed it is THE TIME to relax hahahaha
Entrepreneurship and being a mother, is it possible?
It is possible, but it is complicated. You have to be very clear that being in both roles 100% is impossible, so each person must choose what percentage to be in each of the roles. It has been difficult for me to see it, because I like my job and I would do a thousand things, but, on the other hand, I like being with my daughters; And it's not just being there because that's what I have to do, it's because I need to spend time with them, I'm happy in the afternoons and on weekends. I know that if I came home and found them showered and having dinner out of habit, I wouldn't be happy. I think you have to know yourself and find the balance that best suits each person. Do I give up things? Yes, to many, but I am in a phase of my life in which I am working a lot on letting go, assuming and giving value to what is truly important.
What values would you like to transmit to your children?
Empathy, affection, love, humility, honesty, the value of your word, sincerity, transparency and loving your family and friends very much.
What do you think should change in society to facilitate conciliation?
The pace at which we live. Immediacy and non-waiver. We want it all and that's it. Life is not like that, we have lost many values and balance in families. We women have been scammed with the one who can do everything...
How would you define your style when dressing your little ones?
Renewed classics, fun clothes. I'm a little heavy on colors and tones. I am very into combining basics and bringing a fun touch.
What inspires you about the Compañía Fantástica Mini collection?
Joy and a fun summer. I imagine my daughters dressed as Compañía Fantastica eating ice cream with stained faces and clean laughter.
What is the best and hardest thing about being a mom?
The best thing, being able to enjoy them, with the two eldest I am entertained by our conversations. The worst, because each phase has its own thing. Now that they are little how tiring it is physically. The little 2-year-old brings me fried food because she doesn't stop and has a lot of character hahaha
If you could talk to your pre-mom self, what would you say?
May you enjoy all the freedom you have when it's just you. Travel, go out, be able to train, rest when you want and need it, not when you can.
In the future, I would like my children…
Be good people and be surrounded by many people who love you. Let them be observant and critical of things (in a good way), let them not go with the flow and make their own decisions. And because of the way the world is going, they must know how to adapt to circumstances, a lot of resilience.