Here you will find the Legal Rules for the raffle for the rug created in collaboration with Spaghetti Rugs inspired by our Mafaldine striped print

1.Contest organizing company.

The organizing entity of this contest is the company Compañía Fantástica, with tax name Show Your Magic Group SL, with registered office at C/Orellana nº10 on the right. (Madrid) and CIF number B85772846, in order to reward its Instagram followers, has decided to launch a contest in the month of May 2022.

2.Purpose of the contest

The purpose of this contest is to reward Compañía Fantástica followers on Instagram for their loyalty.

3.Geographic scope and participants.

This promotion has a European scope.

4.Temporal scope.

The promotion period will begin on 05/19/2022 at 5:00 p.m. and will end on 05/26/2022, at 12:00 noon. It will only take place through Compañía Fantástica's own Instagram page and under compliance with these legal bases.


Residents in Spain, over 18 years of age, previously registered on the social network Instagram with a single real user and who follow Compañía Fantástica can participate in it for free and voluntarily. They must actively participate in the contest according to the mechanics provided in this document. Employees of Compañía Fantástica or direct or indirect collaborators who have been involved in the promotion or printing of the materials corresponding to them, as well as their first-degree relatives, may not participate in this contest.

If such a circumstance occurs, Compañía Fantástica will automatically discard these participations. Compañía Fantástica is not responsible for the veracity of the data provided by the participants or for not being able to contact the participants and/or winners if the data provided is not correct or has errors.

This promotion aims to ensure that the competition between the different participants is carried out with equal opportunities and with strict respect for the rules of good faith. For this reason, Compañía Fantástica reserves the right to automatically and immediately exclude from it any participant who transgresses the rules of good faith, observes mendacious or inappropriate conduct, uses fraudulent means or fails to comply with these Rules in any of their extremes. In the event that irregularities are detected after the actual delivery of any of the prizes, Compañía Fantástica reserves the right to exercise the relevant legal actions against the author or person responsible, among others, those aimed at the return of the prizes.


The prize consists of a wool rug created by Spaghetti Rugs in collaboration with Compañía Fantástica measuring 80x100.

The shipping costs of the prize will be the responsibility of the contest organizer. The prize will not be exchangeable, neither for money nor for other prizes, and is personal and non-transferable.

7.Mechanics of promotion

Starting on the first day of the promotion and up to and including the last day, Compañía Fantástica's Instagram followers will be able to participate in this contest through Instagram, leaving a comment mentioning two people and following the brand.

8.Prize awarding mechanics

All comments that meet the requirements mentioned in the promotion mechanics from the first day at 5 p.m. until the last day at 12 p.m. will be entered into the corresponding contest and will be eligible for the prize contained in these rules. From among all the people who comment, a winner will be chosen at random using a sweepstakes app.

In the event that there are not enough responses to distribute the prizes, or for any other internal reason of Compañía Fantástica, Compañía Fantástica reserves the right to cancel the contest.

The winners authorize their Instagram name and the comment with which they participate in the contest to be published on Compañía Fantástica's social networks. The winner will be notified by direct message on Instagram to be able to exchange the prize shipping information. If any of the winners fail to comply with the rules of this contest or cannot be located within the terms of these rules, the prize that would have corresponded to them will be void.

Content of any kind not related to the contest may be deleted. Only one entry per user will be accepted (1 comment/user). In the event that a participant participates with more comments, for the purposes of this promotion only the first published comment will be taken into account.

The contestant must not include in his or her comment regarding participation in the contest messages that violate or are likely to violate morality, ethics, good taste or decorum, or that infringe, violate or violate intellectual or industrial property rights, and We must warn you of the consequences and responsibilities that may be incurred if you use them illegally or fraudulently. Compañía Fantástica will act immediately upon a complaint or suspicion that infringements of intellectual property rights may be occurring, or upon any content that may be considered inappropriate and will proceed to eliminate it immediately, and may request the permanent blocking of the offending user.

Compañía Fantástica declines all responsibility for the consequences that the voluntary, consented and deliberate display by the user of its text may entail for themselves, their family, friends and/or relatives, or other third parties, or for the dissemination or display. of the same by you or by third parties, or its reproduction, including on other web pages, blogs, social networks or in any other means, support or mode of exploitation, digital or not, online or offline, taking into account that both the publication of comments or the insertion of texts, such as their disclosure or dissemination to third parties, are completely voluntary, consented and unsolicited. Therefore, the contestant will respond directly, holding Compañía Fantástica harmless, against any claim, complaint or demand from third parties in relation to the violation or infringement of possible rights that may arise from the texts or materials that a user has published. All images that fail to comply with the “Terms of Use” published on Compañía Fantástica or fail to comply with these rules will also be discarded.

9.Contact with the winner

The winner will be contacted within the next 2 business days at the end of this promotion through a direct message on Instagram indicating that they have to send an email with their personal information to send it to

The winner will have 2 business days from the sending of the message by Compañía Fantástica to communicate with Compañía Fantástica. If after these 2 days from when said communication is made Compañía Fantástica does not obtain a response including all the data necessary to deliver the prize, the delivery will be cancelled. In the next 2 business days the prize will be delivered and there will only be one contact, so the address provided to Compañía Fantástica must be valid for those days on which the prize will be delivered.

In the event that the winner does not respond within those 2 days following the communication, Compañía Fantástica reserves the right to name new winner(s), following the procedure described in this article. In the event that said new winner(s) do not respond within 2 days, Compañía Fantástica may declare the prize void.

10.Unlinking from Instagram

Instagram does not sponsor, endorse or administer this promotion in any way, nor is it associated with it. The user completely disassociates himself from Instagram, and is aware that he is providing his information to Compañía Fantástica and not to Instagram. The information you provide will only be used to process the contestant's participation and to communicate the prize if they are a winner. The user completely disconnects from Instagram.


The holding of the planned contest, as well as the awarding of the prize, are subject to current tax regulations.

12.Acceptance of the bases

The simple participation implies the acceptance of these bases in their entirety, so the statement, in the sense of non-acceptance of the same, will imply the exclusion of the participant and, as a consequence of the same, Compañía Fantástica will be released from compliance with the obligation. contracted with said participant. By accepting the prize, the winner assumes all expenses incurred, except those expressly included in the promotion in question, as well as any liability that may arise from the collection and use of said prize. In this sense, the winner will be responsible for all taxes accrued or expenses that are not specifically mentioned in these rules.

13.Intellectual property rights

Compañía Fantástica reserves the right to use the names and images of the successful contestants as well as all participants for the purposes of their use for advertising purposes in the media it deems appropriate and without the need for explicit notification.

14.Personal data

In accordance with the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, participants are informed that the personal data they provide will be incorporated into a personal data file. , property of the organizing company. Said data will be used and processed, in addition to the purpose of participating in the contest, for the research, promotion and marketing of Compañía Fantástica services, which will include the sending of commercial communications, including electronically. If they wish, they can make use of their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of their data at any time by writing to the person responsible for the treatment at the email address indicated below:

15.Applicable law and competent courts.

The law applicable to this promotional contest is Spanish law, and the courts competent to hear any conflict or controversy are the Courts of the city of Madrid.

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