Rural Spain , and more specifically the land of La Mancha that has inspired everything from Don Quixote to Almodóvar, has served as a common thread to work on Compañía Fantástica's Spring Summer 20 collection.

The steppe of La Mancha, arid and dotted with mills, has been the setting in which to reflect a collection full of nods to the past and motifs (floral, fruit and animals) that connect with nature to remind us of those summers of our childhood in the town.

A tribute to those vacations where silence , nature and the charm of simple things caused us feelings of happiness and freedom.

With a resounding treatment of color that is so groundbreaking in all our collections, and with a wide palette of green, blue, reddish, amber and ocher tones that help recreate that romantic atmosphere of changing colors due to the rays of the summer sun.

Along with the memory of those light and feminine garments with colorful and cheerful prints with which the calm summer days passed.

A coherent discourse for a brand that maintains its style collection after collection without losing its identity and that makes Spanish something universal .

Let's celebrate who we are!

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