Humor and fun are part of Compañía Fantástica's DNA. Our peculiar way of seeing life has made us put ourselves in the hands of PutosModernos® , one of the most interesting and irreverent creative agencies on the national scene, which has given our identity a good shake with a campaign that we love.

Fabric poster for the Putos Modernos x Compañía Fantástica campaign

This great team, behind some of the most viral advertising campaigns that you can find on social networks, has created a project that we include in our Fantastic Lab . On Instagram or on the streets of the coolest neighborhoods in Madrid, they wanted to turn our universe around and move it to new territories. It has fabric!

An intelligent humor campaign

The campaign is based on some of the prejudices that the general public has about Compañía Fantástica and gives a twist to phrases about large fabrics printed with our characteristic prints. We play with colorful drawings and ironic and fun phrases, a playful perspective that confronts the seriousness of the fashion world with our unique personality. A powerful statement of intent that we don't have to explain.

“This dog shirt improves your mood, but it's not going to make you happy on Mondays, wear it on Fridays”, “this print serves to camouflage you from your ex when you leave Madrid” or “not all plaid skirts look like tablecloths, some look like curtains ” on prints from our latest collection become flags that reflect our identity and self-parody our most modern spirit .

If you live in Madrid, you can find the posters adorning the streets of some neighborhoods in the city center.

Forget prejudices in fashion

The fashion industry has many pending issues . One of them is part of our identity as a brand: stop seeing this world as something serious and boring, without color or fun. At Compañía Fantástica, we prefer to flood your daily life with original and fresh prints , with comfortable and practical patterns, which maintain our unmistakable seal.

Our winter 2022 collection includes new and inspiring garments , characterized by their color and comfort. Materials from renewable sources, natural fabrics and alternative prints are part of Compañía Fantástica's future, as much as the fun phrases in the campaign with PutosModernos®.

An irresistible winter collection

If the prints on the campaign posters sound familiar to you, it's because they are part of our latest fashion collection. Let yourself fall in love with the visual power of our prints.

  • Psychedelic print : seventies-inspired flowers that remind us of the New Wave movement, which emerged in England and the United States, from the beginning to the end of the 70s.

Two girls dressed in psychedelic floral print from Compañía Fantastica

Two girls dressed in yellow floral print from Compañía Fantastica

  • Dog drawings: nature continues to be one of our most special sources of inspiration. This season, this fun print with poodles brightens up garments such as dresses or blouses.

Two girls dressed in dog print from Compañía Fantastica

  • Wave print: another reminiscent of our inspiration in the 70s, we take the New Wave movement literally in this print in green and blue tones.

Two girls dressed in a wave print from Compañía Fantastica

  • Checkered print: another classic of the winter season, it returns once again with colors inspired by the natural environment. Perfect pants, skirts or dresses for the coldest days.

Two girls dressed in a checkered print from Compañía Fantastica

Open your eyes wide and pay attention to the streets of Madrid to enjoy our most surprising campaign. Also, remember that you can follow our Instagram profile so you don't miss our Fantastic Lab projects . They have fabric!

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